Why should I attend a Sports Performance Camp?
Working with elite level strength and conditioning coaches on enhancing sports performance is what all great athletes do. While it is par for the course for Division I Universities and professional sports teams, it is a luxury not enjoyed by many middle school and high school athletes. WCSP Camps provides such an opportunity for younger athletes.
Why is it best to have an individualized training program?
No two athletes have the same needs. While your individual sport coaches do their best to prepare your entire team for peak performance, they cannot address, nor do they have time to address and tweak team workouts to fit individual needs. We will help you identify strengths and weaknesses, help you understand what role they play in your individual sports, and help you establish clear goals for improved sports performance.
I am already a high level athlete, how can I benefit from WCSP Camps?
Great! You're probably thinking about carrying your skills to the next level. Listen, even Michael Jordan had a strength coach. Besides, WCSP Camps are sponsored by Gamefacerecruit.com. During camp, you will have the opportunity to have your sports skills test video taped. You will then have the ability to profile yourself on their website Free! for 30 days. Every college coach in the nation has access to this site and it is sponsored by the NCAA and NAIA. We are committed to helping you enhance your sports performance as well as to helping you get the exposure you need to move to the next level.
I've been working out for years, what more could I learn at camp that will make me better?
No matter where you are in terms of your athletic career, there is always room for improvement. As the saying goes, "There is no such thing as staying the same. You're either getting better or getting worse." Elite level athletes work hard for years just to add an extra inch to their jumps or decrease their personal record times by a few seconds. The more elite you become, the more difficult it will be to improve. Learn now how to train for and reach your sports performance peak so you can avoid things such as injuries or overtraining that could end your season or slow your progress. We will evaluate you and give you the tools that will enable you to break through any training plateau you may have reached.
I have never been able to stick to an off-season training program, how can WCSP Camps help?
You're not alone. Many athletes have a similar problem. To start with, most coaches point their athletes toward running and lifting in the off-season, usually without much direction. Let's face it, this routine quickly becomes boring because you are left to your own devices as to how much and when you are going to train. You then begin to miss workouts or believe a pick-up game of basketball or a swim are a substitute for what should be serious off-season training. WCSP Camps will give you the much needed workout map you desire which will prevent you from wandering around in mediocrity during the off-season.
Can a WCSP Camp coach help me with my eating habits?
Of course! Nutritional coaching is part of a strength and coditioning coaches job discription. They take in the needs, tastes, and disciplines of each athlete and help the athlete make sound choices. Every good strength coach knows that program design and training, needs to be supported by full-time nutritional strategies.
What should I expect?
Expect to work hard, have fun, achieve your goals, and experience ultimate sports performance!
How do I get started? To register for camp, Click on sports camp application page, print the application, fill out, and mail payment or to contact us directly,
Click TolbertSports.com or call us at 423.667.7807 please leave a message. On line registration is available by going to the contact page and clicking on Active.com. We want to here from you!